Health benefits of Svitemblica Mix-fruit syrup

  • Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup Boost and cleanse our system.
  • Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.
  • Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup improves skin complexion and stops bad breath.
  • Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup improves Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
  • Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup is used to dispel excess salts, nourish the bladder and kidney.
  • Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup is rich in vitamin, it prevents constipation.
  • Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup clear body heat, counteract toxicity, decrease blood pressure and fight oxidization.

  • Directions:
    Dilute one measure of Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup with five measure of chilled Water or Soda.i.e Ratio of Water and Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup should be 1:5. Add ice-cubes NO NEED TO ADD SUGAR To be taken 4 to 6 times a day.
    Pack Size:
    Svitemblica Mix Fruit syrup is available in following size
    Bottle: 880 g, 1400 g, Plastic Can: 3 kg, 5.7 kg, 6.5 kg

    Test The Real Fruit Syrups any Time, any Season and Anywhere...!